For last couple of weeks I've read the newspaper with even greater trepidation than usual. I have been immensely disturbed by the horrible stories of bloodshed and violence currently ravaging Gaza. This has been accompanied by my recent learning of the Orthodox Christian prayer, "O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner."
My friend that shared this with me said its continual utterance throughout one's day reminds its whisperer of humankind's fallen condition and its collective need for grace. Adopting this perspective of humility can help one to look upon their fellow brothers and sisters with greater compassion. I have found it helpful to recall this perspective to mind each time I feel my anguish for the tragedy in Gaza ready to boil over.
About a month ago I resolved to change my daily routine and finally MAKE time more prayer, meditation, and scripture reading. I am happy to report that, so far, things have gone extremely well. For the last few weeks, I have awakened each morning (albeit earlier than ever before) with a true excitement to spend time with the Lord. In conjunction with this newfound discipline, I have been reading a book called "Practicing His Presence" which contains the writings of Brother Lawrence and Frank Laubach. In it, each of the men candidly explain how they developed their practices of walking continually in God's presence and speak of it's life changing effects. This book comes highly recommended by Greg Boyd, one of my favorite pastors, and I am starting to learn how great an impact this practice may have on my life. I will certainly be sharing this gem with others.