Thursday, November 4, 2010

Grace for a season

Yesterday evening, Meredith and I had the joy of taking a walk in the finally cool autumn air. As if being outside in that weather wasn't already gift enough, we went scouting for fallen pecans in the parks near our house. I had gotten the idea from an elderly couple that I spotted doing the same during my morning jog. After all, a wealth of experience can be gleaned from observing one's elders, right? I can't tell you how fun it was to fill a bag full of free, delicious, and healthy food from right around my neighborhood! A free walk in the park and free reminders of God's loving provision for us. I like to think that, by the very measure of our delight, these small acts of thanksgiving are somehow rendered as sacramental. Surely, this event will now have to be a part of my perennial plans. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of thanksgiving, this will work out to your advantage come November 25th when you'll need a pecan pie! Miss ya my friend. I always enjoy reading your thoughts!
